A sua overdose de cultura pop!

MY MUSICAL JOURNEY: My Thrifted Cassette Collection

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Hello, dear thrifters of all around the world!

For the past few months I have been sharing online my experience going back to "old ways of listening to music". I've gotten some cassette tapes, a player and now I have a small cassette collection. Everything I am about to show you is thrifted. I have not bought any new albums on the format yet - even though I want to. Most of the stuff I own is classical music - Beethoven, Chopin and all those great composers, but I also have some pop music and even country! And of course I have mixtapes I made myself.

I thought I would start off with the first piece I got. The 1987 Walk The Moon self titled album. It is also my favorite album on cassette, the one I play the most. It mixes some pop and rock on a very unique type of sound that reminds me of the underground scene. You should listen to their only hit Daddy's Coming Home.

Still in the 80s, one of the tapes I got at the same time as the first one is the 52nd Street's 'Something's Going On'. The art cover caught my attention immediately. I mean, it is really gorgeous. The songs on this album is very 80s pop - full of synthesizer and electronic sounds.

(dat aesthetic tho!!)

Taking a look on my country tapes, I shall start with the tape that integrates the quartet I first got. The Vega Brothers got me not just because they are quite handsome in a very 80's way or because their artwork is equally great, but the name of the songs are ICONIC! 'Heartache the size of Texas' proved to be a great love song, but also the title is a huge mood, honestly! I should also recommend you to listen to their jam 'New Woman'.

None of the bands I've mentioned so far were very successful. I couldn't barely found information about them online, but this next one is actually someone who you might've heard of someday. John Denver is a sad case of a talent lost too soon. He died on a plane crash in 1977. I am not gonna lie that I had any idea of who he was when I bought that tape. But I heard about him before and I knew he was some type of a legend, so I took it anyway. I had nothing to loose and the tape was on sale and I am yet to take a close listen to it.

Should we talk about some classical music right now? Great!

Fun fact about me is that I actually really enjoy some classic music, specially Beethoven and Debussy. I think it is really relaxing, besides that, these compositions are literally masterpieces humanity should be really proud of.

The tape on the right translates as Classic for the Millions vol. 7 - Instrumental Solos. It is apart of a bigger collection, but I am hopeless I will someday find the other volumes, but it does not matter, specially because it'd be hard to top volume 7, since it has some of my favorite songs - Clair de Lune, for example.

The one in the left is a reunion of four genius: Beethoven, Brahams, Mendelssohn and Tchaikovsky played by the David Oistrakh Orchestra. By the way, the actual tape is not red, it's only all the way rewinded.

These next two are not necessarily classical music, it is actually piano renditions of songs of the time. And those two are very legit tapes and they are published by CBS Records, a major corporation that nowadays is a subsidiary of Sony. The green one, with a lovely lady at the cover means 'The Sound of Success - Tropical Serenade Orchestra', the one above is 'Wonderful Piano vol. 2'.

Speaking of piano rendition of popular songs. I should talk about the last tape I got the day I first bought cassettes. The title translates as "The Body Expresses Itself and Dances". It is apart of a material made for ballet classes developed by Renée Walls. I don't really know the songs in it, in fact I think they are originals, but there is an amazing instrumental piano cover of Eric Clapton's All By Myself.

Last but not least, Earl Grant's Greatest Hits. Earl Grant was a very famous pianist in the 60s, and the main reason why I picked this album was because of the song 'Stand By Me', made popular by Ben E. King and it is one of my all time favorite songs!

As a bonus track, I will show two mixtapes I made. Actually, it is one mixtape and a fanmade soundtrack of the movie If I Stay - which i the best soundtrack ever and I had to have it on cassette. The actual mixtape is some of my favorite Xuxa's songs from the 80's. For those who do not know Xuxa, she is one of the biggest celebrities in Brazil, best known for her TV shows for children and albums that entered the Guinness Book for selling millions.

That's it for today, folks! Don't forget to follow me both on Blogger and Bloglovin' so you won't miss new stuff. Speaking of new stuff, keep your eyes open, because soon I will talk a little bit more about my vinyl collection.


TUTORIAL: Como fazer um Widget aparecer em somente determinada página do Blogger

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Alô, galera!

Cá estou eu de volta, com mais um período da faculdade concluído, alterações no layout das ilustrações e uma utilidade pública para prestar a quem interessar. Às vezes, nos nossos blogs, existem certos elementos que nós preferiríamos que aparecesse somente em determinada página, mas, infelizmente, o Blogger não oferece esta função ao adicionar um novo Widget.

Bom, não temam mais, blogueiros de todo mundo. Cá estou eu para ajudá-los.

Eu mesmo estive na situação de revirar cada cantinho da web afim de aprender como fazer com que certos elementos apareçam somente em determinada página do blog. O problema é que todos os tutoriais disponíveis são anteriores a 2012, ou seja, tornaram-se obsoletos há séculos.

O Blogger de fato mudou bastante neste tempo, mas tudo o que este método precisava é de uma atualização. Disto isto, cá está um tutorial atualizado em como fazer um Widget aparecer em somente uma determinada página do Blogger.

Para dar um exemplo, demonstrarei como este tutorial está aplicado aqui no AI:

Esta é a Home Page do site. Normal, sem nenhum elemento além dos widgets da sidebar e as postagens.

Já estas são, respectivamente, as home pages dos marcadores Posts In English e Minha Jornada Musical - um novo segmento no AI, onde eu documentarei o progresso da minha coleção musical. Reparem como a "propaganda" ao topo da página aparece somente nestas páginas.

Para fazer isto, você deverá acessar o menu de Layout no dashboard do Blogger. Então você deverá adicionar, configurar e posicionar um novo Widget da maneira que você quer. Mas atenção! Se for um elemento que deverá ficar sem título, então dê um momentaneamente e retire depois que estiver tudo pronto.

O próximo passo será abrir o menu Tema e então Editar HTML. Aperte CTRL+F, digite o nome que você deu ao Widget e dê enter. Quando encontrar o código respectivo ao elemento desejado, então você deverá expandi-lo, clicando no triângulo preto que se encontra à esquerda do código.

Você deverá expandir a linha <b:includable id='main'>...</b:includable>.

Após expandir, você deverá encontrar o seguinte código, ou algo similar:

<b:widget id='HTML5' locked='false' title='Nome do gadget' type='HTML'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<!-- only display title if it's non-empty -->
<b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'>
<h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>

 Substitua-o completamente pelo seguinte:

<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "Coloque aqui o link da página"'>
<!-- only display title if it's non-empty -->
<b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'>
<h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2>
<div class='widget-content'>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>

Substitua onde indicado de acordo com o que se pede.

Contudo, há duas alterações possíveis, caso você queira outros lugares. Se você quiser um Widget que apareça somente na homepage, então substitua a segunda linha do código pelo seguinte:

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>

Ou, se quiser que o Widget apareça somente nas postagens, então a linha deverá ser substituída por:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

Agora é só salvar as alterações!


Espero tê-los ajudado. Deixem nos comentários se vocês gostariam de mais tutoriais por aqui, se sim, o que vocês desejam saber? É claro, que me seguindo no Bloglovin' confere as postagens do AI + conteúdo exclusivo 100% em Inglês.
© POP-UP! Sua Overdose em cultura pop. - 2021. Todos os direitos reservados.
Design e criação por: João Destiny.